German Vowels

Der Vokal       Vowels


The German alphabet, just like the English, has five main vowels: A E I O U  
A (a) as a in hard 
E (e) as ay in say 
I (i) as i in ink 
O (o) as o in open 
U (u) like oo in boot. 
{ ‘ ‘ } Umlaut  mutated vowel  
The German umlaut is recognisable by 2 little dots above a letter. The German um- laut is found on 3 letters a, o and u, umlauts are used to signify a certain sound. Whenever the use of umlauts is not possible e.g. for technical reasons, you can use extra “e” instead of Umlaut.  
For Example : “ae” = ä, “oe”= ö, “ue” = ü.  
A (a)  as a in hard  

Ä (ä)  similar to ‘ai’ in ‘air’ O (o)  as o in open Ö (ö)  like “ur” in the word “burn” U (u)  like oo in boot. Ü (ü)  like ‘y’ in ‘Tyrell’

German       Alphabet


German Alphabet Sound Pronunciation Example
A a ah as A in ask
B b beh as B in Begin
C c tseh as C in Celsius
D d deh as D in Date
E e eh as E in Elevated
F f eff as F in Fast
G g geh as G in God
H h ha as H in Hen


I i  ee  as I in Ink 
J j  yot  as Y in Yacht 
K k  kah  as K in Kite 
L l  ell  as L in Lamp 
M m  emm  as M in Mother 
N n  enn  in N Name 
O o  oh  as O in Oh 
P p  peh  as P in Pink 
Q q  kuh  as Q in Quest 
R r  err  as R in Robin 
S s  ess  as S in Siegfried 
ß  ess-testt  as S in Super 
T t  the  as T in Top 
U u  uh  as U in Ulrich 
V v  fow  as V in Victory 
W w  veh  as W in William 
X x  iks  as X xylophone


Y y  upsilon  as Y in Yes 
Z z  tsett  as ts in sits 


‘ß’   German has an additional character ‘ß’, which is either called eszet. It sounds exactly like “ss”. You can also use “ss” instead of ‘ß’,  

How to pronounce German diphthongs 


au: like ow in how  ae: transcription for ‘ä’ if not available on a keyboard  ah: like “a” in Jar.  äu: like “oy” in Boy  ei: like “i” in mine  eu: like “oy” in Boy  ie: like “ee”in seek  oe: transcription for ‘ö’ if not available on a keyboard  oo: like “oo” in door  ue: transcription for ‘ü’ if not available on a keyboard  ** tion: tsee -ohn